Like my father, I have a tenacious relationship with complicated inanimate objects. He has a string of expletives (which I will not repeat here) that he uses as a magical incantation to make them bend to his will (or not).
The scanner is one of those objects I can't seem to get along with. Every time I use it, it seems to do something different to the item I'm scanning: changing the orientation, not scanning the whole page, etc. I've been advised by my supervisor that beating the scanner with my shoe is not the most civilized way of dealing with my frustration.
In any case, I glared at it until I was able to squeeze this image out of it:

In any case, I managed not only to complete the scanning Thing, I helped a few of my coworkers do their scans, too. All without cursing! VICTORY!
Technorati tags: oclwebthings, scanning, images, photos
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