Monday, March 31, 2008

Thing #8 : feeds

I've had a Bloglines account for a couple of years, and I have to admit, I'm a complete ADDICT. I have three separate accounts: one for library-related feeds, one for pop-culture/gossip/film, and one for everything else. My pal/colleague Chris (found over at Viva Velma) first introduced me to Bloglines and I hit the ground running.

I've tried other aggregators, most notably Google Reader, but I keep doing multiple 'Lines. It has its shortcomings, most notably that you can't tag items, but I find it easy to scan through umpteen feeds and keep only what I want. I save some stuff to folders, but anything I really want to archive I bookmark in

I tend to find new feeds through the links in the feeds I already have. Occasionally I'll plug a keyword into the Bloglines search to see if there's any new/interesting feeds to add for a particular subject.

Bloglines pimps a few capabilities I've used: Package tracking, dummy email addresses for listservs & saved search feeds. Check them out!

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